Thursday, August 27, 2015

Blog Post 1

     Computers are a critical component to the education experience because we live in the technical age. The world is fast-paced with the communication that smart phones, tablets, and any device with internet connection can offer. Ideas and concepts are constantly developing and emerging with the aid of new innovations. For students to become successful post-graduation, there is a need for technological literacy. At the time when students leave school, being able to function in a tech dominated workforce is imperative to their future.  Teachers must integrate technology into curriculum in a meaningful and purposeful manner to truly reap the benefits. Standards regarding technology in classes help to enforce and encourage the preparation of students for the real world. I do agree that having teachers current and encouraged to implement creativity, critical thinking, and communication via technology is highly beneficial to the students and the future generations.
     I think within this particular class I will be using computers to create presentations, express ideas, create blog posts, communicate with fellow classmates and my instructor, along with making spreadsheets, and conducting research. The text mentions the use of digital tech and analog tools to facilitate learning and teaching, which is what I feel will be a ubiquitous occurrences in this course. I hope to apply my existing computer skills to different tasks, become more proficient with Microsoft Office programs, and explore the career of education, which will prepare me for success, but also give me the knowledge to prepare others.
     I agree with the term digital native, as it means the group of people who have known technology for their entire existence. Just become someone is considered a digital native doesn't mean they are the most proficient with digital tech. For example, my mom, a digital immigrant did not grow up using a computer, but is much more acquainted with them than me because she works in an administrative position where these skills are required. I am more familiar than perhaps my grandmother or some of my previous teachers who can get by using computers, but do not truly understand them. I use technology out of convenience and enjoyment while digital immigrants use because it is required of them to. Personally, I am an analog type of girl. I enjoy writing with pen and paper, listening to vinyl records, and using film cameras. So working with digital immigrants makes me feel at home and hasn't had a negative effect on my educational experience. There will be a difference in my future students because I didn't grow up using technology as frequently as today's children do. My little cousin had an iPad by elementary school and I didn't even get a basic cell phone until late middle school. The next generation of students is going to be very in touch with technology as it has been a part of their lives since birth. I liked to go outside, ride my bicycle, and plant gardens as a kid, but the future is going to have very different recreational interests, which will include social media and video games. Teachers will have to learn to relate to their students, as they    evolve.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Briana! I agree that, even though I love technology, sometimes I prefer the analog version of certain things. I would much rather read a paper version of a book than an ebook. Keep up the great work!
