Monday, August 24, 2015

Blog Post 0

     With technology being a constant element in our daily lives, my personal experiences come from a range of settings with varying objectives. In the classroom, I have utilized programs such as Word, Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint. In my economics class, we created presentations on entrepreneurs using software in Microsoft Office. I have also familiarized myself with word processing and research in writing papers for literature or world history. Photoshop was an interesting experience as I learned to edit photos for my art portfolio. Beyond the educational setting, I enjoy blogging on Tumblr, which allows me to post music files along with photos and text posts. It allows me to express my ideas and my interests to community of people.
     As I enter my first class in college, I have high hopes and expectations in regards to the amount of knowledge I am here to acquire. I feel comfortable with technology, but I would like to become more experienced in Excel as that is the program I've worked with the least. In addition, I enjoy the fact that this particular curriculum is focused on education, which allows me to explore the ideas of a potential career path and become familiarized the impact technology has on youth. Within the semester, I am aiming to create connections with my fellow classmates and improve my level of proficiency with both computers and writing. 
     This morning I was given the opportunity to take a brief survey which analyzed my learning style through a series of questions. The results show I am an active listener which means I am more prone to working well in discussion- based environments. With the next characteristic, I am considered a very intuitive learner which provides insight into my dislike of repetition and strong attraction to discovery. This helps me realize how I could tailor my study habits in the coming semester. I am fairly balanced on the verbal and visual learning which tells me I can incorporate both styles of learning into my personal methods. I am leaning slightly toward sequential learning who often takes in information step by step, which helps me be self-reflective on how I process information. 


1 comment:

  1. Briana- Wonderful post! You have an impressive technological background. This class will surely help you become a more comfortable Excel user. I hope you enjoyed getting to know more about yourself as a learner... it will definitely help you throughout your undergraduate experience!
